We are proud to announce that we have added the digital capability to design your crowns and bridges without the use of impression materials in our office. This new technology will also allow us to fabricate your restoration in a day and avoids the use of messy, foul tasting impressions. For full details, read our CAD/CAM Restorations section.
We installed a bicycle rack in the rear of our office so our cyclists have a place to lock their bikes.
Local artist and celebrity Kevin Harrison has placed a painting in our office of the downtown Market area….
We have decorated our office walls with artwork by Elizabeth Verner, Alfred Hutty and Carew Rice. All of the artwork and framing were provided andprepared by our friends at The Audubon Gallery on lower King Street.
Local decoy carver and model ship builder, Tommy Boozer (Yonges Island)has placed a scale replica of an oyster sloop in our lobby (Scale 3/8″=1′-0″). A replica of the oyster sloop “Catherine”, the model was constructed of re-sawn heart pine from an actual sloop found on Yonges Island. She is fastend with hand made copper nails, carries hand sewn Sea Island cotton sails and is exhibited with the oyster bateau used to gather oysters. This model required over 300 hours to complete. A must see.
Tom Boozer is currently working on a replica Maine Lobster Boat for our office.
Come check it out!
Here are some links to some ofour friends in town:
The Audubon Gallery: www.audubonart.com
Dixie Dunbar Studio: Cool jewlery! www.dixiedunbarstudio.com
Charleston Waterkeeper: Save our waterways! www.Charlestonwaterkeeper.wordpress.com/
Ted’s Butcherblock: Best meat store in town.. www.tedsbutcherblock.com
Some other cool and interesting stuff: